Privacy Impact Assessments and System of Records Notices

E-Government Act of 2002

Section 208 of the E-Government Act of 2002 establishes government-wide requirements for conducting, reviewing and publishing Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA). Under Section 208, agencies must review of how privacy issues are considered when creating or purchasing new information technology (IT) systems or when initiating new electronic collections of information in identifiable form. A PIA addresses privacy factors for all new or significantly altered IT systems or projects that collect, maintain or disseminate personal information from members of the public.

SIGAR Privacy Impact Assessments

The following is a list of SIGAR-specific Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs):

The Department of the Army (DA) is SIGAR’s designated agency of support. Accordingly, SIGAR relies on a number of DA and Department of Defense systems that collect, maintain or disseminate personal information for SIGAR. The following is a list of PIAs for other agency’s systems used by SIGAR:

SIGAR System of Records Notice

The following is a list of SIGAR specific systems of records notices:

  • SIGAR-02 Property Accountability Records
    Description: To identify employees/custodians of issued equipment and provide inventory to satisfy other Federal Procurement Management Regulation requirements.
  • SIGAR-03 Public Affairs Records
    Description: Enables SIGAR Public Affairs to establish and maintain contact with the media, members of civil society organizations, and the general public and circulate information to specific individuals and groups based on self-identified regional and policy interests.
  • SIGAR-04 Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act Records
    Description: The processing of access requests and administrative appeals under the FOIA, access and amendment requests and administrative appeals under the Privacy Act; for the purpose of participating in litigation regarding agency action on such requests and appeals; and for the purpose of assisting the SIGAR in carrying out any other responsibilities under the FOIA and the Privacy Act. Also used to produce statistical reports; and as a data source for management information.
  • SIGAR-05 Audit Records
    Description: This system is maintained in order to act as a management information system for SIGAR audit projects and personnel and to assist in the accurate and timely conduct of audits.
  • SIGAR-06 Correspondence Records
    Description: This system consists of correspondence received by SIGAR from individuals and their representatives; Federal, foreign, state, local, tribal or other public authorities; entities subject to oversight by SIGAR; oversight committees; and others who conduct business with SIGAR and the responses thereto. It serves as a record of in-coming correspondence and the steps taken to respond.
  • SIGAR-07 Hotline Records
    Description: These responsibilities include conducting and supervising investigations relating to programs and operations relating to the expenditure of appropriated funds and funds otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Afghanistan, promoting the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the administration of such programs and operations, and preventing and detecting fraud, waste and abuse in such programs and operations. The records are used in investigations of individuals and entities suspected of having committed illegal or unethical acts. The records are also used in any resulting criminal prosecutions, civil proceedings, or administrative actions.
  • SIGAR-08 Investigations Records
    Description: These records are used for conducting and supervising investigations relating to programs and operations regarding the expenditure of appropriated funds and funds otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Afghanistan, promoting the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the administration of such programs and operations, and preventing and detecting fraud, waste and abuse. The records are used in investigations of individuals and entities suspected of having committed illegal or unethical acts. The records are also used in any resulting criminal prosecutions, civil proceedings, or administrative actions.
  • SIGAR-09 Legal Records
    Description: To assist SIGAR attorneys in providing legal advice to the agency on a wide variety of legal issues; to collect the information of any individual who is, or will be, in litigation with the agency, as well as the attorneys representing the plaintiff(s) and defendant(s) response to claims of employees, former employees, or other individuals; to assist in the settlement of claims against the government; and to represent SIGAR in litigation.
  • SIGAR-10 Legislative Inquiries and Correspondence
    Description: Maintained and used by SIGAR to record legislative inquiries on behalf of constituents and legislative inquiries from a member or committee, to ensure proper document control of the response, and to record the agency’s responses to such inquiries.
  • SIGAR-11 Social Media Records
    Description: This system is maintained in order to act as a management information system for SIGAR audit projects and personnel and to assist in the accurate and timely conduct of audits.

Government Wide System of Records Notices

The following is a list of government-wide systems of records notices (SORN). SIGAR relies upon a number of these government-wide SORNs:

  • GSA/GOVT-3 - Travel Charge Card Program January 30, 2004, 69 FR 4517
    Description: Records of current Federal employees who have their own government assigned charge card and all other Federal Employees and authorized individuals who use a Federal account number for travel purposes. Records are assembled in one information system to provide government agencies with: (1) Necessary information on the commercial travel and transportation payment and expense control system which provides travelers charge cards and the agency an account number for official travel and related travel expenses on a worldwide basis; (2) attendant operational and control support; and (3) management information reports for expense control purposes.
  • GSA/GOVT-5 - Access Certificates for Electronic Services (ACES) May 28, 1999, 64 FR 29032
    Description: The system will allow on-line access to personal information in participating Federal agencies’ automated systems by individuals who are the subjects of the information. Up to now, many Federal information systems containing legally safeguarded personal information have been inaccessible to the public electronically because of an insufficient proof-of-identity capability. The new system will enable more timely and cost-effective communication between the public and the Federal Government while safeguarding personal information through state-of-the-art digital signature technologies.
  • GSA/GOVT-6 - GSA SmartPay Purchase Charge Card Program November 3, 2006, 71 FR 64707
    Description: GSA has Government-wide responsibility, assembles and maintains charge card related information and ensures the efficient and cost effective operation, control, and management of commercial purchasing activities by Federal agencies. The system includes personal information of individuals to enhance the Federal government’s ability to monitor official purchases, payments, and expenses involving purchase charge card transactions.
  • MSPB/GOVT-1 - Appeals and Case Records November 21, 2002, 67 FR 70254
    Description: Records on (a) Current and former Federal employees, applicants for employment, annuitants, and other individuals who have filed appeals with MSPB or its predecessor agency, or with respect to whom the Special Counsel or a Federal agency has petitioned MSPB concerning any matter over which MSPB has jurisdiction; and (b) Current and former employees of State and local governments who have been investigated by the Special Counsel and have had a hearing before MSPB concerning possible violation of the Hatch Act.
  • OGE/GOVT-1 - Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial DisclosureReports and Other Name-Retrieved Ethics Program Records January 22, 2003, 68 FR 3097 [correction published May 8, 2003, 68 FR 24722]
    Description: All records are maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 and the Ethics Reform Act of 1989, as amended, and Executive Order 12674 as modified, and OGE and agency regulations there under. These requirements include the filing of financial status reports, reports concerning certain agreements between the covered individual and any prior private sector employer, ethics agreements, and the preservation of waivers issued to an officer or employee pursuant to section 208 of title 18 and certificates of divestiture issued pursuant to section 502 of the Ethics Reform Act. Such statements and related records are required to assure compliance with these acts and to preserve and promote the integrity of public officials and institutions. The requirements also include the possession or maintenance of information being researched or prepared for referral by ethics officials concerning employees or former employees of the Federal Government who are the subject of complaints of misconduct or alleged violations of ethics laws. These complaints may be referred to the Office of the Inspector General of the agency where the employee is or was employed or to the Department of Justice.
  • OPM/GOVT-1 - General Personnel Records June 19, 2006. 71 FR 35356
    Description: Records on current and former Federal employees as defined in 5 U.S.C. § 2105, including OPM’s Central Personnel Data File and related agency personnel management information systems. The Official Personnel Folders and other general personnel records files are the official repository of the records, reports of personnel actions, and the documents and papers required in connection with actions effected during an employee’s Federal service.
  • OPM/GOVT-6 - Personnel Research and Test Validation Records June 19, 2006. 71 FR 35354
    Description: Records on current and former Federal employees, applicants for Federal employment, current and former State and local government employees, and applicants for State and local government employment, selected private sector employees and applicants for sample comparison groups used by OPM or other Federal agencies for the construction, analysis, and validation of written tests, and for research on and evaluation of personnel or organizational management and staffing methods, including workforce effectiveness studies.
  • OPM/GOVT-7 - Applicant Race, Sex, National Origin and Disability Status Records June 19, 2006. 71 FR 35356
    Description: Records on current and former Federal employees and individuals who have applied for Federal employment used by OPM and agencies to evaluate personnel/organizational measurement and selection records, to implement and evaluate Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment and affirmative action programs, to prepare reports regarding breakdowns by race, sex, and national origin of applicants, and to locate individuals for personnel research.
  • OPM/GOVT-10 - Employee Medical File System Records June 19, 2006. 71 FR 35360
    Description: Records on current and former civilian Federal employees maintained to ensure proper medical evaluation, diagnosis, history, treatment, and continuity of care; documentation of hazard exposures, treatment, medically-related employment decisions, and communications among health care providers, including planning of further care, evaluation of the quality of health care rendered, and to ensure proper operation of an agency’s drug testing program.
  • OSC/GOVT-1OSC - Complaint Litigation and Political Activity Files November 19, 1999. 64 FR 63359
    Description: Information developed in connection with these OSC program responsibilities is maintained in the OSC/GOVT-1 system of records, which includes certain records subject to the Privacy Act. These include records in complaint files, generally retrieved by the name of the person filing an allegation of a prohibited personnel practice, improper political activity, or other prohibited activity; records in disclosure files, generally retrieved by the name of a person filing an allegation through the OSC whistleblower disclosure channel; records in disciplinary action litigation files, generally retrieved by the name of the person charged by the OSC in litigation before the MSPB; and records in defensive litigation files, generally retrieved by the name of the plaintiff in the action
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